Skinspirations...Hormones, the wonders that they are
*Disclaimer; All work produced in this skinspiration blog is owned by Nicole Webb, with copyrights to La Beauté Ltd.
Hormones are a vital part to many of our body processes. Automatically when we think of hormones we think, reproduction system, but from our sleep cycle; weight; stress levels; to our skins appearance all are controlled by our hormones!
Some of you may have been told your skin condition or concern is linked with a change in hormone levels, this is all well and good as long as you have an understanding of hormones.
This could be a massive skinspiration as hormones truly do control so much of the body but I have tried to keep this very brief!!
What are hormones?
There are around 50 different hormones in the human body.
Hormones are chemicals that are released from glands within the endocrine system; they travel around our body via our bloodstream activating and delivering ‘messages’ to specific cell(s) and creating specific reactions or responses.
Hormones help to control a number of tissue and organs in the body but they also play a major role in most bodily functions including; sleep, regulating your temperature and growth. Your hormone levels will fluctuate throughout the day, depending on your body process but will also be influenced by stress, age, weight, exercise, and thoughts. Often we are unaware of all the hormones or the glands that they originate from until there is an imbalance.
The endocrine system
The endocrine system is the overall title that is given to a group of glands which are found through the body that are responsible for the creation of hormones. The group of glands includes;
Pituitary gland
This gland is found at the base of the brain, it is the primary control centre of the endocrine system. This ‘master gland’ is only the size of a pea but it produces the hormones that control vital processes, including; blood pressure, the release of oxytocin, along with regulating other glands within the endocrine system, including; the thyroid, adrenal and reproductive glands.
This gland is situated at the front of the throat; it produces hormones that regulate metabolism, heart rate, digestion, temperature, brain development and bone maintenance. This gland can in some people become over or under active resulting in the process in this gland either speeding up (hyperthyroidism) or slowing down (hypothyroidism).
The pancreas is found just behind the stomach and aids in digestion and produces hormones that maintain healthy blood sugar levels. The most important of these hormones is insulin, which is responsible for providing ‘fuel’ and energy for the body.
Adrenal glands
These two glands are situated just above the kidneys and are responsible for releasing adrenaline and the production of cortisol. Adrenaline is what is produced in a time of stress to help the body to manage. In acute times it prepares the body for ‘fight or flight’ mode. Cortisol works with adrenaline to help the body manage stress. Chronic stress can lead to an overproduction of cortisol.
The reproductive system
Throughout our lives the reproduction system and its hormones have the most visual impact on our bodies. Oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone are the main hormones of the reproductive system and are produced in the ovaries.
These hormones together are responsible for puberty; egg production; pregnancy; birth and menopause.
We always have all three of these hormones together but there dominance changes throughout our menstrual cycle. Oestrogen is dominant in the first half of our menstrual cycle prior to ovulation whereas progesterone is the main hormone in the second half and triggers our periods.
Testosterone is responsible for muscle and body strength and for the growth of ‘normal’ female hair patterns.
How do hormones affect the skin?
As hormones play such a major role within our body it is only natural that they play a huge role in our skin. If your hormones are even slightly out of balance then the skin is going to display a change (sometimes positive but often negative) as the body adjusts to the hormonal change and tries to rebalance again. These are just some of the MANY things hormones are responsible for in our skin;
- Creating and controlling cell turnover - which provides us with our skin’s appearance
- Size and activity of sebaceous glands
- Controls flow and viscosity of sebum /Lipid production
- Fluid retention
- Controls delivery of oxygen to cells
- Controlling zinc levels in the skin - zinc speeds up wound healing
- Stimulates hyaluronidase which produces the skin’s natural hyaluronic acid - skins hydration
- Provides skins texture
- Stimulates collagen production
- Controls hair growth
- Maintains skins strength
- Controls microflora (bacteria good and bad) on the skins surface
- Skin thickness
- Wrinkle formation
- Pigmentation (hormonal- often stimulated at pregnancy)
- Skins elasticity – skins ability to bounce back
- Enzyme activity
- Skin sensation
- Acne – this is a huge one as this is often the skins best way of showing you that there is a change in hormones. Whether it is congestion, full-blown acne or the odd spot linked with your monthly cycle all acne has a hormonal element.
I know, hormones ah!
They are an amazing chemical that we all have within us, they control so much within our bodies yet we feel we can't control them at all! (although you can). I hope that this has given you a small insight into this massive powerhouse that right at this moment is delicately balancing within you, and next time I tell you your skin concern is hormonal you will understand what I am referring too!